SILINGEN is going green!
By combining energy efficiency and nature protection, we are connecting the first portion of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of…

The meeting of Mr. Jacky GORZELIK, co-CEO of Groupe SILINGEN, with Grand Duke Guillaume SAR Crown Prince of Luxembourg
La rencontre de Jacky GORZELIK, co-CEO du Groupe SILINGEN avec le Gand Duc Guillaume SAR Prince Héritier du Luxembourg a la…

SILINGEN supports pride. We reaffirm our commitment to #diversityandinclusion.

SILINGEN Industries Canada Inc.
In November 2020 we incorporated our new company in Canada, SILINGEN Industries Canada Inc. with headquarters in Toronto, ON.

SILINGEN Polska works on DELL Coputers.
From January 2020 SILINGEN Polska switched to DELL Computers!

SILINGEN goes life with SAP !
Starting from January 2020 SILINGEN Group switched to SAP advanced management solution since we successfully implemented BUSINES…

Visit from Invest Québec representative Marie-Andrée BERNARD